Praying For Others

Prayer is a very effective way of communicating with God. In the past, we might have been disappointed with God because despite having prayed so much to Him for a specific request, we have not received what we are praying for.

During the feast day of St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine, I was wondering why God took so long to give what she was asking for. St. Monica became a saint because of her perseverance in praying for her son’s conversion. St. Augustine desire to become closer to God was borne after his mother prayed unceasingly for 17 years. Now that’s a long time. Usually we asked the heavenly Father to touch, convert, or change a person to become closer to Him. All human beings have a free will and that is God’s gift to us all. The Creator always respects and abides it. He will never do force Himself or His wishes on anyone. I believe that God will not answer our prayer that will contradict the free will of another person. I would suggest that you ask the peson to pray “Lord, give me all the necessary grace to have a safe, happy, holy, healthy and successful life.”
Many of us always pray for world peace, but it doesn’t happen. Why? You know the answer. It will be better if we pray “Loving Father,  give me all the necessary grace to be an instrument of world peace.”

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