

Peace be with you!

We thank God for leading you to visit this website. The scriptural verse that you read was randomly picked from the hundreds of passage collected from the bible. God wants to speak to us; in Jeremiah 33:3 He said, “Call me and I will answer you”. A good constant communication with the Creator will bring us closer to Him and will help us find the true happiness that we are always looking for. Sometimes it’s tough to handle and accept life’s threatening illnesses, unexpected death of love ones,relationship breakdowns, misfortunes, problems, or difficulties in life. We always ask, “WHY Oh Lord?”. We could easily be comforted if we just hear the words of God during these challenging times.

We hope that the biblical verse you just read has given you peace, joy, contentment, inspiration, guidance, upliftment of your spirit, or some food for thought. If you feel that, please share your thoughts or experience relevant to the verse you have received on the reflection section. You can also try to learn more about God’s word by reading the Bible on a more regular basis. You can read it in little sections, chapter by chapter, or maybe by starting with one of the Gospels.

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It will be a great blessing if you could share this website with your family and friends. PLEASE help us spread God’s words.

If you need prayers, post it on prayer request section.

May the loving God be with you always!

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