Passage: In justice shall you be established, far from the fear of oppression, where destruction cannot come near you. (Isaiah 54:14)

Date: 2023.10.06
Name: Romeo2310
Message: 10/6/23 Check email
Passage: Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Mark 1:17)

Date: 2015.07.23
Name: rfknprqflxwkcmwvpwx
Message: éralement liée produire la vie quotidienne riche, abondant ainsi prolongée. Zrii est souvent un terme sanskrit puissant qui fait allusion généralement à une déesse hindoue concernant l'argent en plus d'importance, ce qui implique plus de lumière, appel initial, l'abondance, parangon, la chance, la r
Passage: He who plans a thing will be successful; happy is he who trusts in the LORD! (Proverbs 16:20)

Date: 2014.06.26
Name: Romeo
Message: Jesus said "Apart from me, you could do nothing" and "Seek, and you shall find". If we always seek his guidance in everything we do and follow it, we will never regret any decision or action we made. There are a lot of ways God speaks to us 1> Flash thought on your mind that give you joy. 2> Through others specially the elders. The voice of the people is a voice of God. 3> Chain of events that happening around you. 4> Collecting data that will help you figure out the best decision. and etc...
Passage: For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost. (Luke 19:10)

Date: 2014.06.23
Name: Romeo
Message: God is fair, just and even-handed. God will punish us for everything we did wrong. God lead Adam and Eve out of Eden for disobience. A very common sin to any man. To top it all we inherited that sin. Severe action by God for all sinners discourages us not to do wrong. Jesus said "You must be perfect". It will be for our own benefit if we follow his commandment because we will have a happier life here on earth. We will definitely be forgiven for our transgression if we ask for his mercy. But keep in mind that we still have to pay dearly for all sins we made, because God is fair and consistent to all. Jesus did not stop Zacchaeus for the reparation he is going to make. In our difficult moments of life, God has always have a good reason for it. Try to seek it.
Passage: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)

Date: 2014.06.16
Name: Romeo
Message: Almost all of us wants happiness. We indulge in different ways to be happy. But still our heart is restless. Only serving others and doing right will you have an inner peace that leads to joy and contentment of your heart.
Passage: Cast your care upon the LORD, who will give you support. God will never allow the righteous to stumble. (Psalm 55:23)

Date: 2014.06.12
Name: Romeo
Message: Many of us worries so much about our future, i.e. retirement. How much savings we had to make so that we could have a good short life, maybe 30 years, before we die. God will definetely help us while we are here on earth and it will cease when we pass away. I should focus more and work harder to follow Chirst to get a grace for the best retirement, i.e. eternal life of happiness.
Passage: Do not let your hearts be troubled. (John 14:1)

Date: 2013.11.30
Passage: But whoever denies me before others will be denied before the angels of God. (Luke 12:9)

Date: 2012.12.12
Name: Romeo
Message: God is fair and just. He will also do whatever you have done to Him.
Passage: My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours. (Luke 15:31)

Date: 2012.07.07
Name: Romeo
Message: When I read this, the John 3:16 verse flashes in my mind. He definitely gives us everything that will be for our own good. If you suffered before and you doubt the goodness of God, try to piece together if that is a blessing in disguise. Definitely God has a very special reason why he let it happen. Just always seek his ways and you might find the answer.
Passage: Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span (Matthew 6:27)

Date: 2012.05.05
Name: Romeo
Message: Worrying is a sin. It means that you do not trust God completely.
Passage: Be watchful! (Mark 13:23)

Date: 2012.04.08
Name: Romeo
Message: Do you believe that God speaks to us in every moment of our lives? Did you know that all things work for good? God always has a special reason why unfortunate things happen to us. If we just seek out an answer why this is a part of his plan, we will understand His way and gladly accept His will. In time, we will learn how he speaks to us in small and mysterious ways.
Passage: They look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand (Matthew 13:13)

Date: 2012.03.27
Name: Romeo
Message: Unless we did not open our hearts to God, we could not possibly see and notice him. There is a song with a lyric
Passage: Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. (Colossians 3:23)

Date: 2012.03.25
Name: Romeo
Message: Whenever we do anything for the glory of the Lord, we are praying. We should not regret any path we take, because when we put our mind and heart to work, we are strengthening the greater glory of our Father.
Passage: Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. (Colossians 3:23)

Date: 2012.03.25
Name: Romeo
Message: Whenever we do anything for the glory of the Lord, we are praying. We should not regret any path we take, because when we put our mind and heart to work, we are strengthening the greater glory of our Father.
Passage: For all who take the sword will perish by the sword (Matthew 26:52)

Date: 2012.02.11
Name: Romeo
Message: It has been my observation that wronging someone may seem right and just at the moment, but the act has yet to be balanced. Doing wrong to others will only bring you greater misfortune than the misfortune you brought upon the other person. For example, if you cheated $1 from your friend, someone else will cheat more than $2 from you in the future.
Passage: The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 10:7)

Date: 2012.02.06
Name: Romeo
Message: We could always experience heaven while we are still on earth. All we have do is appreciate and trust the goodness of God in anything that is happening to us.
Passage: Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ. (Ephesians 4:15)

Date: 2012.01.30
Name: Romeo
Message: Anything you do with love will never go wrong. In 1st Corinthians, St. Paul stresses the big difference between doing something with, and without love.
Elements of love consists of service, respect, honesty, sacrifice and etc. If we want to grow and love God through others, He is always willing to grant us all the necessary graces that we needed.
Passage: Honor your father and your mother. (Mark 7:10)

Date: 2012.01.30
Name: Romeo
Message: In order to stay away from regrets, the best way is to act in the moment. Parents love their children so much. When they grow up, children usually reciprocate all the goodness their parents had given them. When they have passed, a child will just smile, remembering what one did to make their parents happy.
Passage: What God has joined together, no human being must separate. (Matthew 19:6)

Date: 2012.01.25
Name: Romeo
Message: If you pray
Passage: All that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. (Mark 11:24)

Date: 2012.01.22
Name: Romeo
Message: Sometimes I end my prayer with
Passage: Entrust your works to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

Date: 2012.01.22
Name: Delza
Message: Whether it is a big project that is work related or something as simple as trying a new recipe that you plan to serve to your family, ask God for guidance and wisdom. Have faith that whatever undertaking you are currently working on will turn out well. Just do not forget to give glory to His name and give thanks wholeheartedly for guiding you. Without you Lord, we are nothing. Amen.
Passage: Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant (Matthew 20:26)

Date: 2012.01.22
Name: Romeo
Message: Before, I could not comprehend how cloistered nuns would give up their families and lives for a secluded monastery. But by experiencing the love of Jesus, they have been given so much joy and inner peace. Their servitude for others in the name of God, have brought them contentment and true happiness.
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2012.01.19
Message: Passage: The harvest are abundant, but the laborers are few - Mt 9:37

In Evangelii Nuntiandi, PP VI stated that
Passage: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. (Colossians 2:6)

Date: 2012.01.18
Name: jhun esteves
Message: 2012 Are We In The Last Days !!!

Peace be with you all brother and sister in Christ. May God the father in heaven and Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior be honored and glorified through our works…

What do you think await all of us this 2012 ???

Some will say “its our last days” and others will say “ not yet”… What do you think ???
Jesus said in the scripture “ But about that day or hour no one knows , not even the angels in heaven ,nor the son of man, but only the father”. Mark 13:32 (NIV).
When we read and understand the word of God through the Holy Bible(what ever version you may have) clearly stated that no one will know when will be the last days except God the Father himself.
Hmmm… So what should we do then?? Are we not to change our lives and the things that we do that not pleased our God?? Or we have to start changing ourselves and our ways that will give us credit and give honor to our God??
Have you ever attended a celebration where in the celebrant doesn’t know that his/her family and friends will throw him a party?? Last year my lovely wife and I decided to invite our friends to joined us in thanking God for His mercy and grace we had received from Him. In the middle of the celebration my wife asked me to looked after the baby daughter of one of our guest friend. After a few minutes she came out with a cake at her hand with a burning candles on top of it while everyone are singing “ Happy Birthday to you “ (4x). I was surprised by my lovely wife and friends. My face becomes flushed and I felt my heart beating so fast, I’m on a high sky..:) I hold her face and kiss her and told her I love her and thank all my friends too. I was not ready and not prepared…
We have to be ready not because of 2012 end is near… but because it will be a great surprise event to everyone. He is coming very soon to each of us, maybe today, later tonight or tomorrow and we don’t need to wait for the end of the world to happen because death awaits each of us.
As the scripture says “ Be on guard ! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. Mark 13:33 (NIV).
We are all just passing by and we don’t need to worry about our first death but rather prevent our second death which is in the flame of fire…..
Last year a young lady died on a vehicular accident, while she was driving a moving track’s wheel was thrown out directly towards her killing her instantly. The lady was caught in the act, she was surprised . Was surprised that for that day is her last…….. day. Now if our time comes are we ready to take that surprised ???
The scripture says “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night”. 1 Thessalonians 2:5 (NIV)

What I was emphasizing here is we have to prepare ourselves in our daily basis we don’t have to be cold or warm but we should be hot, our hearts should be on fire with GOD. We can do this by having an intimate relation with Him. Its like when your love one left you to work out of the country and one day he told you he’s coming back soon but it will be a surprise, most probably as the moment you hung up the phone you already started preparing and excited on his coming back….We have to remove our being busy when it comes to our Savior, He should always be our first priority...
The only thing I know about 2012 is that…………………….. it will be a more fruitful year to all of us who dwell in Christ our Savior.
Passage: If even the smallest things are beyond your control, why are you anxious about the rest? (Luke 12:26)

Date: 2012.01.18
Name: Romeo
Message: There is a saying in Filipino
Passage: Happy the man who is always on his guard; but he who hardens his heart will fall into evil. (Proverbs 28:14)

Date: 2012.01.16
Name: Romeo
Message: In my experienced, if I could not get the message of the Lord, He will let me know through harder harder harder way. An immoral man started to have small cyst on his leg. Despite warning him repeatedly, he did not change. It ended up losing his whole right leg before he surrendered to God.
Passage: I will give you what is just (Matthew 20:4)

Date: 2012.01.15
Name: Romeo
Message: If someone did unfairly to you, do not get mad. Never put justice in your hand. Let the Father recompense you. You will be surprise how the Almighty is so fair to all of us.
Passage: Do nothing from selfishness or out of empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. (Philippians 2:3)

Date: 2012.01.12
Name: Delza
Message: I feel sad for those people who lift up themselves as the best in everything, even the simple thing such as being a better cook or baker than the rest of the family. I hope they realize that we are nothing without Christ! In every success and accomplishments we gather, give glory to God! For without His guidance, we are not able to do anything right.
Passage: Come after me and I will make you fishers of men. (Matthew 4:19)

Date: 2012.01.11
Name: Delza
Message: In our simple, everyday lives, we can be
Passage: Be still before the LORD; wait for God (Psalm 37:7)

Date: 2012.01.11
Name: Romeo
Message: God had allowed everything that happened to us; even through times of trial, He purposely gave us these adversities for our own good. If we seek His intentions, we might hear Him through our silence.
Passage: I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you. (Psalm 32:8)

Date: 2012.01.10
Name: Romeo
Message: In beatitudes
Passage: The LORD is good, a refuge on the day of distress; He takes care of those who have recourse to him, (Nahum 1:7)

Date: 2012.01.09
Name: Delza
Message: Whenever I feel down and out, stressed for the day, depressed, or however one could describe one of those days, I quiet down for even just a few minutes to say a prayer. The good Lord always strengthens me and creates a way to make me feel better and feel thankful for what I have and for what I am.
Passage: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)

Date: 2012.01.09
Name: Romeo
Message: Solomon asked God for wisdom, and he became the wisest king of that time. We all need wisdom in order to make the right decision. I have always prayed for wisdom. and my decisions have given me a lifetime of joy without regret.
Passage: Let it be done for you according to your faith . (Matthew 9:29)

Date: 2012.01.08
Name: Romeo
Message: In the gospel, Jesus respond to our prayer according to our level of faith to Him. Faith like mustard seed.
Passage: The LORD is on high, but cares for the lowly. (Psalm 138:6)

Date: 2012.01.08
Name: Delza
Message: The Lord chose to be born on a lowly manger! Such a simple way of showing humility. If the good Lord, who is the Almighty, had shown such humility, then we, His creation, should be able to show this virtue.
Passage: I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel and watch over you. (Psalm 32:8)

Date: 2012.01.08
Name: Romeo
Message: St. Paul said
Passage: Be still before the LORD; wait for God (Psalm 37:7)

Date: 2012.01.07
Name: Romeo
Message: When you ask God about anything that you should know, the Lord will usually answer you in different ways. It could be a comforting thought, to the bible, other people, a situation and etc. Just reflect on anything that transpired to you and think why Jesus let this happen.
Passage: For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy. These are what defile a person (Matthew 15:19-20)

Date: 2012.01.06
Name: Romeo
Message: When I read for the first time this poster title
Passage: How much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. (Matthew 7:11)

Date: 2012.01.06
Name: Romeo
Message: Everything. God say Ask and you shall received.
Passage: Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and no town or house divided against itself will stand. (Matthew 12:25)

Date: 2012.01.05
Name: Romeo
Message: Most powerful or ambitious leaders always uses the divide and conquer strategy. Some of our brethren do this tactic to dismantle our faith, our belief and our church. Please pray and hold on to Jesus because they will never stop this strategem.
Passage: What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? (Matthew 16:26)

Date: 2012.01.04
Name: Delza
Message: Wealth, fame, all the finest things in life, but no peace with God, with others and with yourself. What kind of life would that be? That would be very sad. Still, the best things in life are free, and this includes, on top of all, your friendship with the Almighty! Amen!
Passage: Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. (Psalm 31:24)

Date: 2012.01.03
Name: Romeo
Message: God never fails anyone who trust and rely on Him. He said ask and you shall received. Everything work for good to those who love Him.
Passage: Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. (Matthew 22:21)

Date: 2012.01.03
Name: Romeo
Message: What an answer by Jesus when we was asked if we should pay taxes to the government. Pray for wisdom unceasingly. We all need this fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Passage: Then he told them a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary. (Luke 18:1)

Date: 2012.01.02
Name: Delza
Message: In all things we do, we should pray and ask for guidance. Even the simple things of deciding which dress or shoes to buy, if you ask God for guidance, you will not regret on the outcome.
Passage: For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered. He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted. (Hebrews 2:18)

Date: 2012.01.01
Name: Romeo Santiano
Message: All trials and suffering has a purpose, and that will always work for good to us. God does not like us to let it happen but he was compel to do it because he loves us and he is a very just God. If you just know why the Lord let this happen, you will accept this trials with joy, ask him. If you are tempted without any reason, then Jesus wants to share his suffering to you. You are in the path to sainthood.
Passage: In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7)

Date: 2010.05.10
Name: Romeo
Message: Teach me, help me and give me all the necessary grace to be holy, so that I could help bring millions of saints in heaven before I die. If we want world peace let's start from us. If we want to be a true disciple, implore to God the above prayer. If you want total happiness in life, serve Him through others. Apart from Jesus, you could do nothing perfect. Watch how you pray, you might be in trouble in the way you asked Him.
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2010.03.29
Name: Justinah BJ
Message: Tuhan Yesus,aku berterima kasih & menyembahMu atas segala penderitaan & penghinaan yang Engkau terima & tempuhi diatas segala dosa-dosaku. Berilah kiranya aku jg benar-benar penuh pertobatan & dapat menerima salibMu yang Kudus sebagai tugu ketaatan,kekuatan,kesabaran,pengharapan,perlindungan hidupku dalam menghadapi tantangan kehidupan sehari-hari.Aku jg memohon bagi suamiku yang belum mengimani Engkau,agar terbuka hatinya suatu hari nanti.Terima kasih atas segala rahmat yang Engkau telah berikan kepada kami.Amin.
Passage: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)

Date: 2009.11.06
Name: Sherrie
Message: Hi Sherrie, you are in my thoughts this morning and I am praying that you will be strengthened today, and I am asking God to give you wisdom in your circumstances. I hope coming to the womens group was encouraging and helpful and I am so glad you came. Love ya Sister Lynda
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2007.08.17
Name: ching r. mandapat
Message: I started doing the divine mercy 3'oclock prayer and i work nights so waking up at that time is really hard sometimes i don't pray at the exact time, one morning after work,very tired,after i prayed the rosary, i asked the Lord to wake me up for the divine mercy, then i slept, my cell phone rang ,i can barely talk because i was so tired and sleepy,
it was my daughter gale,I can hear her voice,sige mom tulog ka ulit (mom go back to sleep not important i will call you back later, then i said okay and was about to go back to sleep when i glance my cell phone , it was 2:59, I sat up right away I remember my divine mercy, so I prayed, exactly at 3:00 pm. How cool is that , the Lord woke me up for my prayer. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD,
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2007.07.17
Name: Evelyn Malacaman
Message: Speak Oh Lord, how often do we pray that? It is always us who speaks when we pray. When I was an aspirant at Hijas de Hesus, I learned to pray wherein I don't speak or say a word, but just to be with our Loving God, feeling His presence. It is a prayer wherein you entrust everything to God, confident in His goodness and loving mercy. Knowing He will give to you the best because He knows us and He loves us.

Many times, we cannot comprehend God's ways, but then, with faith and trust in Him, let us have a joyful anticipation of what He has in store for us because His love for us is perfect.
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2007.07.17
Name: Zenaida C. Ventura
Message: Kahanga hanga! Nag-iisa, walang katulad! Nawa ay magpatuloy and pag unlad ng inyong maka Diyos na gawain. Keep up the good works! God bless and more power to all of you! I!ll pray for your continous success.
In Christ,
Sis. Zeny
Passage: Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. (Matthew 21:22)

Date: 2007.07.11
Name: ching rubio-mandapat
Message: last monday,july2,2007 i was scheduled to attend an important ACTS meeting at Beaumont,Tx a 2hrs drive from cypress but it was raining hard the night before and that morning when leaving work. I was telling myself I need to go to Beaumont today so I prayed for sunshine that day or at least give me a sign if i'm going or not. when i got home my son told me ,

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