A Letter Of Appeal To Promote Prayer For Holiness

Dear Reader,

As a maintenance man, I always look for the root cause of a problem. Even in daily life, I always tried to figure out why things went wrong. I learned so much in life with this kind of habit. This practice led me also to understand how God responds to our prayer and in our actions.

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Although my daughter prayed “Lord teach me and help me to study”, which I told her to do, she initially wanted to shift to another course because she had a hard time in dealing with her subjects in engineering. She was so frustrated and felt ill-equipped since some of her bright classmates could solve the problems much faster than she could. After pondering the situation, I’ve realized that even if God answers her prayer, it will be not be enough since she is not that smart. The following semester, after changing her prayer to ”Lord, please give me all the necessary grace to be an excellent and successful person”, she flourished in her studies and made on the dean’s list. She successfully finished her engineering course and graduated with distinction.
As another testimony, my cousin almost gave up in convincing his brilliant son to pursue college. I suggested to him to ask all his children as a Father’s Day gift, to pray verbatim: “Lord give me all necessary grace to be excellent and successful person.” Six months later, my cousin told me that his son had changed his mind and now wants to go to college. We were surprised that he was accepted into a good university despite his failing grades in high school. His SAT score set the difference.
To me, the prayer “Lord, give me all necessary grace” means one is asking God to give the person all the necessary means to achieve the end result.
In Matthew 5:48, Jesus said, “You must be perfect just as my Father in Heaven is perfect.” Though this may seem like an unattainable task, Jesus said that what is impossible to men is possible to God. And Jesus said “Apart from me, you can do nothing.”
If it is also your ardent desire to help other people in their spiritual journey,  I humbly implore you to please help me promote to pray verbatim “Lord, give me all necessary grace to be holy“.
Attached is the Effective Prayers which you would then be able to print out and share to others. You could also cut the Effective Prayers sheets and glue them to form a Pad. It would be great to have these available at the back of the church or in any spiritual gathering.

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