Why God Gave Mary, Mother of Jesus, As Our Intercessor

My co-worker who is protestant always criticized me about our love for Mary. It is still not enough even though I explained to him about the wedding in Cana . I also stressed to him that Jesus was compelled to turn water into wine because his Mother wishes so. Also before the dying moment of Jesus on the cross, Jesus said “Mother behold your son and son behold your mother”. When my protestant friend raised the issue about what Jesus said “Who is my mother”. I explained to him the setting during that moment. Jesus was preaching at the crowd that time and somebody informed him that his mother and brothers were waiting outside. Jesus does not want to stop in his preaching for the sake of his relatives, we will be unfair to his multitude of listeners. My co-worker still persists on his accusation.
One time I asked him if he will be mad, angry or jealous if I will love his mother more than himself. His response was “Of course not”. Then Jesus will not be offended to us if we love Mary more than him. Mother Mary was the chosen woman to bore the son of God, will God pick the best woman for his son? Even she is the best of all, God gave her full of grace as per cousin Elizabeth exclaimed. I believe all of us will be very offended if our dear mother will be disrespected or hated even though she did not do anything wrong to you.
To defend our Mother Mary, attached link is a summary of scientific investigation on Miracles of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If anyone does not respect  and love Mother Mary, challenge them to replicate the Miracles of Our Lady of Guadalupe so that you could prove that it is  a work of God. If they could not prove it, then why did God show this living miracle only  to the Catholic Church and not to other religion?
While praying the rosary with my family during my son’s 13th birthday, I asked God why do we need Mary as our intercessor. Why should we give time for Mary in prayers, why not put all our prayers to almighty God? Suddenly, thoughts immediately came to my mind why we need Mary as our intercessor. Here is the answer. God is consistent, fair and firm. God will judge us the same way he judge Adam & Eve because He should be consistent, fair and firm to all mankind. Adam and Eve committed only a sin of disobedience and they were led out of the Garden of Eden for their single infraction.  We had a lot of those sin and  we committed worse sin than insubordination.  Even though God will forgive us in all our sins when we ask mercy at that moment,  Do we not sin again? In (Rev. 21:27) “But nothing unclean shall enter [heaven]”, Jesus could not save us if we did not ask his mercy before we die. In the bible, Jesus could not say NO to Mother Mary. If we asked Mother Mary to help us to be saved, I believe that our very good loving mother Mary will plead to Jesus to open the gate of heaven for us.  With this situation, many more people will go to heaven since Mary is more than like our maternal mother on earth who always helps us and loved us so much even if we are a not a good child.  This shows how God loves us so much that he gave Blessed Mary to be our mediator for all blemished Christian who had no opportunity to ask God’s mercy before he/she died. Jesus has a good excuse in accepting transgressed Christian. This because, Mother Mary implore to Jesus to save the sinner who always pray “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now at the hour of our death. Amen

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