How do I make Decisions?

All of us make numerous decisions in our day to day lives. We usually come to the point of choosing one from another by guessing. If we have the power to see the consequences of that decision, that will be awesome. Even though some people are very intelligent and are wise enough to consider all facts, they regret some of the decisions they have made. Looking back, all your right decisions have brought you joy and gratification; otherwise you may find the feelings of unhappiness, regret, and sometimes self-hatred haunting you.

In John 15:5, Jesus said, “Without me, you can do nothing” PERFECT. This is the key to make a right decision. Always ask God to guide you and help you in making decisions; God will never fail you because He does not want you to complain to Him. Try Him even in the smallest decisions you have to make such as buying a gift for someone or choosing the right product to buy. God is just waiting for you.

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