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How To Pray

For me, praying is a very delicate thing to do. We have to be careful what we pray for and how we pray. I’m always aware that God always answer our prayer specifically. What you asked for is often what you get, although not always. What we forget in asking, we may not receive. For […]

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Praying For Others

Prayer is a very effective way of communicating with God. In the past, we might have been disappointed with God because despite having prayed so much to Him for a specific request, we have not received what we are praying for. During the feast day of St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine, I was wondering […]

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How do I make Decisions?

All of us make numerous decisions in our day to day lives. We usually come to the point of choosing one from another by guessing. If we have the power to see the consequences of that decision, that will be awesome. Even though some people are very intelligent and are wise enough to consider all […]

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About Us

A non-profit website who only wishes to spread the Word. We know that today’s society is demanding, schedules are constantly packed, and the direction of our lives sometimes divert us away from our faith. The website, however, enables the upwardly mobile crowd to take a mere minute and be touched by God’s Words. All of us […]

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