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My Insight on How It Will End

There are a lot of prophesy in the bible that there will be new heaven and new earth. Saint Louis de Montfort penned these words in 1712 in La Rochelle, France, four years before his death. “Towards the end of the world … Almighty God and His holy Mother are to raise up saints who […]

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Only the Wise Could Enter His kingdom

When God created Adam and Eve, the Devil did not waste his time to lure them. Satan will relentlessly use cunning ways to make anyone turn away to the Creator. Definitely, we will not be spared in any of those temptations, especially the clergies. The devil has worked more aggressively on them ever since the […]

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Why Jesus Is Against Divorce

A true Christian love is a selfless love. Because of the great love for us by the Heavenly Father, God let His Son, Jesus Christ, suffer crucifixion and die for our sake. That means, we should always do things that will be good for others and not think about ourselves. If we also selflessly love […]

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I heard a lot of friends, relatives, acquaintances and celebrities who took their lives but it did not bother me so much. You will never realize how serious a problem depression could be until it happens to your loved one. It is sometimes silent, terrifying, and sometimes lead to tragic event. Unlike body illness, a thorough […]

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Super Strengthen Your Faith

Many churches are closing in Europe and parts of North America. This is because of the dwindling numbers of attendance. This will not stop if we do not find the right approach to reverse the trend. I think that one way to solve it is to prove to all that Catholicism is the favored church […]

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Ways To Holiness

In Matthew 5:48, Jesus said you must be perfect just as my Father in Heaven is perfect. Do you think Jesus will say something that is impossible for us to achieve? Though this may seem like an unachievable task,Jesus said that what is impossible to men is possible to God. Below are a few ways […]

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Letter To A Friend Who Needs Enlightenment

I would like to apologize in advance if the following message may sound offensive. As a Christian, I know that it is my duty to bring people much closer to God. I am aware of what is going on in your life right now, and I could not and should not blame you for everything […]

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