
I heard a lot of friends, relatives, acquaintances and celebrities who took their lives but it did not bother me so much. You will never realize how serious a problem depression could be until it happens to your loved one. It is sometimes silent, terrifying, and sometimes lead to tragic event. Unlike body illness, a thorough medical testing might lead to proper diagnosis of the ailment. Psychiatrist could not easily read the mind of their patient all the time. An effective treatment for this mental illness will rely on the cooperation of the patient to reveal all what is in his/her mind.

Compounded devastating events in life could trigger severe depression. Those who are susceptible to this illness are those who may not have a consistently solid positive outlook in life. Hopefully the story below will start to build stronger positive outlook in our life. 

Good Things, Bad Things, Who knows?

In China, a father and his teenage son live in a remote village. We call him “Mr. Chen”. Mr. Chen has one work horse. One day, that horse ran away to the forest. All the villagers gave consoling words to Mr. Chen about the lost of his horse. Mr. Chen’s response was “Good things, bad thing, who knows?”

A few days later, Mr. Chen’s horse came back with another horse. All the villagers gave exhilarating words to Mr. Chen telling him how fortunate he is to have his old horse back and a new one, too. Mr. Chen’s response was “Good things, bad thing, who knows?”

 One day, Mr. Chen’s son rode the extra horse they had, fell from the horse and broke his leg.  Again all the villagers gave comforting words for Mr. Chen’s misery. As usual, Mr. Chen’s response was “Good things, bad thing, who knows?”

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Start figuring out to see the positive outcome in all your past problems in life. We usually called this “blessing in disguise”. In Romans 8:28 “All things work for good for those who love him.”  This new mindset will strengthen your hope in any challenges in life. St. Paul said in Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

For those who are suffering from depression or having great tribulation in life, I strongly advise you to verbatim pray “Lord, give me all necessary grace for complete and immediate healing of my mind and body and also a healthy mind, body and spirit forever.”  In 1 Corinthian 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.” Also, always think and believe that your problem is not the end of the world.

Jesus said “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find”. God has a very good reason for everything that is happening in our life; try to seek why he let it happen. If you found the answer, you will realize how much the almighty Father loves you. If you don’t find the answer, believe that God loves us very much and He is with us in every situation in our lives, especially when He seems too far away.

Mostly all the people seek for happiness. Sometimes unhappy people turns to become depressed. They thought that more money, more power, more friends, more fame, love, sex, alcohol, drugs and etc. will lead them to happy life. All those things produced a very short lived happiness. How come some prominent celebrity took their own life? How about the cloistered nuns and monks? They don’t have anything in life but according to them they are the happiest people on earth. I believe in them. You will find peace, contentment and full of joy in every moments of your life if you become closer and closer to God. It is very hard to fathom this statement but you will never realize this true happiness unless you are there. Jesus promised “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 . The easiest and smartest way to be holy is start praying “Lord give me all necessary grace to be holy” so that we moved closer to experienced the true abundant joy of life, as Jesus said. You are asking our powerful God to give you everything you need to become holy. With this prayer, you are not accountable if you did not become holy.

Remember, only our heavenly Creator could read our mind and has the power to heal us especially if we ask him the right way.

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