How To Pray

For me, praying is a very delicate thing to do. We have to be careful what we pray for and how we pray. I’m always aware that God always answer our prayer specifically. What you asked for is often what you get, although not always. What we forget in asking, we may not receive. For instance, I remember I was trying to figure out what is the best supplication when my wife was pregnant with our first child. It’s very tough because I might miss something that is very important. Do I pray for a normal healthy child, for normal delivery, for no complication to the mother before and after giving birth, for reasonable cost of hospitalization etc? I could try to pray for all of these but it’s still no guarantee that I did not miss anything. In the end, I’ve decided to pray for a happy delivery for my baby, as that would most likely encompass everything. After that I’ve started to pray for “happy, holy family”. For a long time, I thought that this is the best prayer. Then I realized that in the near future I could have a heart attack and probably ask God “why are you taking me now? I’ve prayed for a happy holy family.”He would probably answer that “I have given you happy holy family NOW, as you have prayed for”. That’s when I realize that I should pray for a happy holy family forever. After a few more years I realized that it will be better to pray for a happy holy healthy wealthy family forever.

On 2015 Oct., I realized that the prayer has a flaw. God could not grant the above prayer if a member  of your family does not want to pray this prayer. God consistently respect the free will of  every man. A successful life is more fulfilling rather than a wealthy life.  See Effective Prayer blog for the revisions.

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