My Insight on How It Will End

There are a lot of prophesy in the bible that there will be new heaven and new earth. Saint Louis de Montfort penned these words in 1712 in La Rochelle, France, four years before his death. “Towards the end of the world … Almighty God and His holy Mother are to raise up saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs.” Many people questioned God about our salvation. If God loves us so much, how come he will let many people go to hell? Some bible scholars believe that no one will go to hell.

For me, only those who receives sanctifying grace could enter in heaven. Sanctifying grace is an opportunity to ask God’s forgiveness before you die. When I visited my sister in California, I brought some new brown scapular with me. While we were in a restaurant, my brother-in-law received a phone call that his sister has 7 days to live. The following day we visited her comatose sister and asked the chaplain to confer the brown scapular to her. The chaplain also gave her the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. That night she passed away. We could not live in heaven if we are not perfect. Jesus said, “you must be perfect just as my Father in heaven is perfect”. In the old testament, only the holiest priest could enter in the Tent where the Ark of the Covenant resides. Some priest fell dead when they went in the tent if they are not worthy to God’s presence.

At the end of time, all the people on earth will continuously strive for holiness. They will be also praying to God and Mother Mary for the redemption of all poor souls in purgatory and in hell. Those who wants to be saved will go to heaven because Jesus will heed to his Mother’s request since he is a very obedient and perfect son. Only through Mother Mary’s intercession that all these things could happen. Because in God’s way, we are not perfect and bound to hell.

I was wondering before how Lucifer will be punished by God since hell is his kingdom. The hell will be empty before judgement day and the Devil will be by himself alone unless he also repents and accepted by God.

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But how will these things could happen? We have different religion, faith & belief and even the Catholic Church is not doing well, and some are corrupt. There is a prayer that will help to turn these things around. That we should promote and ask our church leaders to pray “Lord, give us all necessary grace to be holy and help us bring saints in heaven. Let us pray to the Lord.” in all services or masses. Please try to understand thoroughly this effective prayer.

There is only one God, therefore there is only one truth. Hence there should be only one faith and one Church. In heaven, there should be only one body and one faith because God is a God of order. No mixed belief. I have very strong argument and physical evidence that God exist and He favors the Catholic Church than anyone else. So please, I beg you to promote the above prayer to your priest, bishop or archbishop. It will be a new earth if all the people are asking for holiness and God will surely grant their prayers.

Pray this prayer and you will enjoy the true happiness that we are yearning. Wishing that you will share this letter to your families and friends because I know you love them very much.

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