Only the Wise Could Enter His kingdom

When God created Adam and Eve, the Devil did not waste his time to lure them. Satan will relentlessly use cunning ways to make anyone turn away to the Creator. Definitely, we will not be spared in any of those temptations, especially the clergies. The devil has worked more aggressively on them ever since the beginnings of the Church. If the devil successfully corrupts the clergies, they could no longer lead the people to holiness since they don’t have grace. As the saying goes, “You could not give what you don’t have”. How could you lead people to holiness if you are not holy? Only God, Mother Mary and Archangel Michael can defeat Satan, we cannot do it by ourselves. Please do not turn back to the Church because of any scandals. You have lost if you turn your back, and the devil wins again. We should be smarter than that.

Heaven is full of love, peace, joy, harmony, contentment. There is no disagreement, no division. There will be only one body, one spirit, and one faith. How could it be possible to be in heaven with different kinds of beliefs? Only holy people could enter heaven. In the Old Testament, the holiest priest is the only one who could enter the tent where the Ark of the Covenant is held. Some imperfect priests died immediately after they entered the tent. No wonder, as Jesus said you must be perfect just as my Father in heaven is perfect. Rev. 21 states that nothing unclean will be in heaven. That’s impossible, yes even the disciple said that. But Jesus said to them, “What is impossible to man is possible to God.” He said, “Apart from me you could do nothing” perfect.

We should not focus so much in extending our life here on earth, but we should put all our effort in preparing for the second life which is eternity. Is God real? Prove to me there’s no God. If anyone could replicate and surpass the miracles that is happening in our church, then show me. Prevent the decomposition of dead bodies like incorruptible saints. Keep the human flesh and blood fresh, even only for 10 years like in numerous Eucharistic miracles. Jesus, Moses, and others performed miracles to prove that God is with them. How about in other faiths outside of the Catholic church? What is the proof that God favors their religion? Not even an atheist could not rebut these arguments with scientific proof.

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All protestant believe that they will be saved by Jesus. What if they did not ask forgiveness before they die? They are in trouble. There are many ways to achieve sanctifying grace in the Catholic church. Check the promises with the brown scapular, the daily rosary, and the novena to Sacred Heart. I believe that if we are trying to be holy, we will have the sanctifying grace. If we pray to God “Lord, give me all necessary grace to be holy, and help bring saints in heaven,” He will give us all the means needed to be holy. The only effort you have to do is pray and these will not hurt you at all. It will be God’s turn to lead you to holiness because you asked for it. If you are an atheist or of a different faith and you prayed this, nothing will happen to you if Jesus does not exist. But if Jesus exists, then you will not go to hell for eternity. If you are ultra-successful here on earth but ended in hell, you are not wise but foolish forever. Be smart because that was Jesus said “Only the wise could enter his kingdom and the foolish will suffer damnation.

Please share these with others and hopefully the bishops will let this prayer be said in every mass.

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