Super Strengthen Your Faith

Many churches are closing in Europe and parts of North America. This is because of the dwindling numbers of attendance. This will not stop if we do not find the right approach to reverse the trend. I think that one way to solve it is to prove to all that Catholicism is the favored church by God, irrefutably. If all Catholics are aware of the tremendous blessing God is showering our church, this will certainly strengthen their faith so nobody could shake it. We have hard evidence that God exist and that he favors our church. This knowledge will help all believers to easily defend their faith and all will be confident that they belong to the true church. The faithful will be more committed since they know that the Church that Jesus established is so blessed. Not only the faithful could withstand the criticism of other religions but the best thing is to share the blessing of our church and that could challenged their belief.

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There is only one God. God is so good, loving, just, etc. Do you think God enjoys seeing disagreement of different beliefs? If there is only one God there should be only one true church who holds all the truth. God made miracles through Moses, Jesus, St. Paul, etc. to prove He is with them. Even now, we still see miracles. The Roman Catholic church has a lot of incorruptibles saints and Eucharistic miracles. Search in the internet. Some imperishable saints died more than 100 years and their body could still be seen today. An example would be St. Bernadette of Lourdes in France.

A human flesh and blood was always exposed for veneration at Lanciano, Italy. That miracle happened when a doubting monk brought down the consecrated host & chalice and it turned into flesh and coagulated blood. A living miracle is still ongoing since the flesh and blood remain in the same exact state since it happened in 700 AD or more than 1200 years ago. Could anybody preserve flesh, blood, or a deceased body for so many years without any chemical or physical intervention? Challenge anybody to replicate these mysteries. All these phenomena can not be replicated by any scientist. Only God could do this. Why do we have all these miracles only in our church and not in other faiths?

The best of all is the Holy Eucharist. In the Holy Eucharist, under the appearances of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received. The whole Christ is really, truly, and substantially present in the Holy Eucharist.

All living beings die if they did not take food. We could not be nourished by eating non living things as food. All foods we eat comes from a life. But, how about our soul? Catholics have nourishment of the soul by receiving the Communion.

Do you want to be closer to Him. Receive Jesus in the communion. In John 6:54 Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can not enter the kingdom of God. Many of his disciples turned away because they could not take what Jesus is asking of them. Jesus did not stop them but even asked the remaining followers why they were not leaving. There is no question that Jesus is very firm in his preaching about the Eucharist. Many of our brethren could not take this teaching of Christ. Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist in the last Supper and commissioned his apostles to “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Below are my answers to their possible arguments about the above.

“They are all fake.” Ans. You are welcome to prove it, many attempted to dispute the miracles but up to know it is still being displayed.

“They are covered with wax.” Ans. Will wax covering a deceased body prevent it from decomposing?

“Satan made these.” Ans. How come people who see these incorruptibles bodies and Eucharistic miracles turn to God and not to satan to?

“Do you taste the flesh when you receive the communion?” Ans. Do you underestimate the power of God?

Science could prove that. Ans. Then replicate it.

Anglicans or Episcopalians will say that they also have communion. Ans. How was your church established? Is it Christ-centered in nature?

We need not initiate any discussion of our faith unless they challenge our church teachings. But all Catholics should share these with other Catholics so they would know how to strengthen their faith.

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